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Showing posts with the label Tips

Building a modern gaming PC

What makes a gaming PC different from any PC? Actually to help us answer this question more effectively we need to know what a video game is really and how it differs from other tasks we use a computer to perform, like surfing the web, typing, reading, watching video, listening to music and editing etc. The majority of end user programs these days that run on a PC have some type of GUI (Graphical User Interface) through which the user interacts with the computer using audio, visuals, animation and texts etc., called multimedia. However a video game is considered even more multimedia as it involves much more complex user interactions. Photo by Resul Kaya on Unsplash Video games are very complex programs They are very complex because they combine a lot of physics and math calculations and 3D graphical rendered elements. For console gamers who think they are not running a program they are misinformed. Consoles are actually optimized and specialized computers for running games and nowadays...

10 tips for speeding up a slow phone or tablet

The modern smartphone These days, many smartphones and tablets are capable of performing demanding tasks like providing high quality photo, audio and video features with rich displays at high resolutions. They are equipped with big, speedy on-board storage, expandable storage capabilities, advanced connectivity features with good multi-tasking and even the ability to play some graphically intensive 3D games. They provide these desirable functionalities to their users with very good efficiency at fast speeds. It comes as no surprise then that to keep up with such challenging performance in a small package, they need to be very multifaceted devices that make use of advanced software to drive innovative modern hardware. Basically they are full mini computers in the palms of our hands. As a result they suffer from many of the same challenges as their larger counterparts and should be maintained in a similar fashion as with our laptop or desktop PCs we use at home and at our workplaces. ...

GTA Online Beginners Guide and Tips & Tricks for Newbies

Welcome to San Andreas where criminals are made their best! Upon launch, you had to own a full copy of GTA V in order to play online as the online option was part of the main game. Within recent years this has changed and you can now purchase it as a separate standalone component from STEAM, EPIC and the likes for a greatly reduced price.  That being said, the online aspect of the game is where Rockstar really adds the newest, latest and greatest content so by not playing online you are virtually limited only to the base game with the three protagonist in story mode and the assets that were released with the game plus a few minor additions to the in-game store and additional game tweaks and patches. All the latest vehicles, map additions, add-on and game modes etc. are part of only GTA Online, making it virtually a totally different game all together that utilizes the same map of the story mode game and adds a ton of features and assets to it. So let's get started felons! The game...